Thursday, September 16, 2010

Everybody Night

I finally hosted what started as movie night, then evolved to ladies night, and as of lately, everybody night, at my new place on Tuesday. The sad part is it's the last time Liz will be joining us as she's shipping off to London next week for grad school. The happy part was the pizza I made turned out quite delicious, and the salad Liz made was nothing short of amazing. The recipe for the pizza I found months ago and finally had a chance to test not only the recipe out, but the gas oven. I can happily report both were a success, the pizza was a hit and I didn't burn the building down.

The tragedy is I was too lazy to get out my camera and get a good picture of it, so the 'ol cell phone pic will have to suffice.

The Pizza:
Trader Joe's pizza dough
1 Onion, roughly chopped into “chunks”
2 Sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
Ricotta cheese
1 bulb of Garlic (the original recipe called for 1 table spoon of garlic paste... yeah right)
Mozzarella cheese, grated
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper

I simply drizzled the potatoes onion and whole garlic cloves with olive oil, added a little salt and pepper and let it bake for about 30 min at 400 degrees. Then transfered everything onto the crust coated with ricotta cheese and baked for another 30 minutes.

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